Model: GPT-4 - Apr 4, 2023 Vince: As far as we currently know, the only life or intelligence in the universe is all located on Earth. Would be nice to see some headed far away. However, we don't really have the tech to do that now. I am exploring the idea of sending some machines with AI (no biological life) on a mission to land on an interstellar asteroid that was passing through our solar system. There have been 2 interstellar asteroids that we know of that pass through our solar system in the last decade. As we get better telescopes I expect we will see interstellar asteroids even more often. The idea is that it could start out with technology not much more advanced than current levels so we could launch reasonably soon and have more advanced tech over time with communications from Earth. Initially power could come from an RTG. They could start out some ability to tunnel in the asteroid and refine metals. They might have 3D printers to make some parts. They could set up